Total ETH deposited
Unique users

Total deposits
Second generation privacy protocol with support of arbitrary amounts and shielded transfers.
The fastest, free, and privacy-first RPC endpoints for the blockchain. Connect to Web3 reliably and easily!
A user generates a random key (note) and deposits ETH or BNB, along with submitting a hash of the note to the Tornado Cash smart contract.
After depositing, users should wait some amount of time, at least 2 hours, before withdrawing to improve their privacy.
A user submits a proof of having the valid key to one of the notes deposited and the smart contract transfers ETH or BNB to a specified recipient.
Tornado Cash improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between source and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH and BNB deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. To preserve privacy a relayer can be used to withdraw to an address with no balance. Whenever ETH or BNB is withdrawn by the new address, there is no way to link the withdrawal to the deposit, ensuring complete privacy when used correctly.
Total ETH deposited
Unique users
Total deposits
Tornado Cash is completely decentralized, controlled and governed by its community. By acquiring STORM tokens, you can participate by voting on governance proposals and weighing in on the evolution of the protocol.
By using Tornado Cash, you also mine STORM, the governance token of Tornado Cash. The more you use it, the more say you have in the evolution of the protocol. Mining is accomplished through PoS 3.0.
Maintaining financial privacy is essential to preserving our freedoms. Tornado cash haber has built-in tools for proving your transaction history and selectively disclosing Tornado deposits.
Trusted setup ceremony for zkSNARKs has 1114 contributions, as long as at least 1 contribution is honest, the zkSNARK keys are secure.
Tornado cash haber Governance protocol was deployed by the community in a decentralized way. It's only possible using CREATE2 opcode and EIP-2470 deployer.
If used properly, No, Tornado cash haber is a decentralized protocol based on zero knowledge proofs. Its smart contracts are immutable, have no admins, and the proofs are based on strong cryptography. Only the user possessing the Note is able to link a deposit and withdrawal.
The Tornado Cash project does not collect any user data. The UI is hosted on a server in the crypto friendly jurisdiction of Panama where there are currently no laws or regulations relating to coin mixing and crypto currency in general. The UI is also hosted in a decentralized way on TOR and can be accessed using following linktornadocash. Users can also run it locally or use the CLI tool.
The Tornado cash haber protocol solves only the on-chain piece of the privacy equation. Users must also follow thesebest practicesto achieve privacy and defeat attempts at chain analysis by linking a deposit to a withdrawal.
Yes, the Tornado Cash protocol was audited by multiple professional audit companies. Here are the links of the reports:
The Tornado Cash anonymity mining protocol also was audited multiple times:
The Tornado Cash Nova protocol audited too:
Yes, the the code is published here:https://github.com/tornadocashdev
Yes, you can use the compliance tool to generate a report which proves your source of funds.